Section Eight
Glamour Shots


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You cant say that this isnt a good pic.

sweet pic of Erik and Stick

This is the best pic ever.

sweet pic of Erik

Aww he's so cute.

aww its Billy

It's ok he goes to a boarding school.

Erik and Paul (look at his dumb hair)

"I will eat your soul!"

Billy the dark lord


not as sweet of a pic of Erik

Wow he's not playin video games!

Stick actually doing something for a change

Dezam I'm good.

Billy yet again

I broke my wookee. : (

Erik, pissed off at something. But what?

Mommy read me a story.

go to sleep, go to sleep

And many more.

Happy birth day to Billy

No croud is to small, but we'd like at least FOUR ppl to come.

A very special thanks to all 3
ppl who came to that show

Billys a vampire, he doesnt show up on film.

If you look hard enough you'll find
like four different versions of this pic.